
『豊田産業株式会社 豊田裕子さん』桐箪笥の引き出しが愛らしい跳び箱に変身!


1966年の創業以来、和箪笥に収納できる桐材の衣装盆や引き出しなどを製造していた『豊田産業』。長年培ってきたスタッキング加工の技術に柔軟な発想を掛け合わせて生み出されたのは、なんと跳び箱のカタチをした桐材の小物入れやおもちゃ箱。きっかけは、新商品開発としてサイズの異なる複数の箱を重ね、階段状のボックスを試作していた時。「ピラミッドみたいなカタチを見て、ふと “跳び箱”というアイディアが浮かんできたの」と、豊田社長の奥様であり熟練の職人でもある裕子さんはお茶目にほほえむ。





工場見学:随時受付 ※要電話予約




They are developing a storage box of paulownia wood which has “Vaulting horse” shape using the experiences of manufacturing paulownia clothing trays and drawers to be stored in the “Japanese chest of drawers” and using their flexible idai. The background behind the creation of unique items has a sincere attitude towards manufacturing and a mind that cherishes the products.

The chest of drawers transform into the adorable Vaulting horse.

Since established in 1966, “Toyoda Industries” has been manufacturing pewnel clothing trays and drawers that can be stored in Japanese chest of drawers. They finally produceded paulownia tray and toy box using technology of stacking processing cultivated over many years with a flexible idea. Thisi idea was found when they tried making a staircase box by overlaying multiple boxes of different sizes as new product development. “The idea of vaulting horse suddenly came up when looking at the shape like a pyramid” This is the word of the wife of president, she is also skilled craftsman. “To produce the item to be loved by customer, first it’s very important to cherish each of them like their real kids” So they carefully perform manual work in all processes such as cutting and assembling of lumber, polishing, upholstery.

With certain standards and solid eyes of craftsmen, they produce items in good faith.

<Vaulting horse Series> They cut the side obliquely using a cutting machine whose blade angle can be adjusted.The indispensable tools are rulers that they made their own to set the reference point for cutting.They made handmade while fine-tuning over and over so that we can work accurately and efficiently even if we mass-produce it”It is impossible to produce really good things if you do sloppy work that “criteria” change each time” said Yuko-san. She uses a ruler and carefully cuts it carelessly while checking different properties and states one by one depending on timber. It is policy of “Toyota Industry” to reprocess cut-off end material into parts for assembly and use without waste. Humorous and cute “paulownia vaulting house” is packed with honesty to work and heart of compassion for things.

Opening hours: 9: 00-18: 00

Closed on Saturdays and Sundays

Factory tour: We accept at any time ※ Request phone booking


238 Saburomaru-cho Fuchu-shi Hirosima Pref
