食べる・遊ぶ EAT/PLAY


『Hairbooth Kameyama』地域の人々に癒しと刺激をフットワークの軽いヘアサロン


創業85年を迎える『ヘアーブース カメヤマ』。地元民に長年親しまれている美容院では、忙しい日常から離れてリラックスできるひと時を提供している。例えば店の2階には、子連れで利用できるプライベートルームを用意。キッズスペースも完備された個室は、普段なかなか自分の時間を持てない子育て世代の人が心からくつろげる空間となっている。


古くから成人式などのヘアメイクや着付けも手掛けてきたこちら。実家であるこの店を5年前に引き継いだ店長・松本拓也さんは新たな取り組みとして、プロカメラマンと提携したフォトスタジオを店の中にオープンさせた。撮影を担当するのは、府中市内外で活躍する写真家・田原康丞さん。立体的なライティングで『ヘアーブース カメヤマ』ならではの上品なヘアメイクや美しい着付けをグッと際立たせる。「“美容院の帰り際”は、お客様が最も輝いている瞬間。晴れ着姿をプロデュースして終わるのではなく、その一瞬をプロの手で写真に残せる店になりたいと思ったんです」と松本さん。「美容院」の既成概念を打ち破り続ける彼の行動力で、老舗ヘアサロンは街でさらに愛される存在になるはずだ。



※金曜日は21:00まで 定休日:月曜日、第1・3日曜日




This is a long-established hair salon which is 85 years since its establishment. Here, they make private rooms that parents with children can use, hold a collaborative project with local people and companies, and open a photo studio tied up with a professional photographer in the store. Unlike conventional hair salon, they are developing unique businesses and activities.

"Provide healing and stimulation to local people" "Be active" this is key of this hair salon.

“Hair booth Kameyama” will be the 85th anniversary.This place has been familiar to local people for many years, provides a moment that you can relax away from busy days. For example, private rooms for children and parents are available on the 2nd floor of a shop. This private room with kids space is a space where the family who is usually very busy can relax. They also actively develop collaborative projects with local people and companies. The local photographer and DJ gathered and a large-scale hair show that the high school students in the city appeared as a model, Photography seminars organizing tags with lawyer and etc, they are doing challenging activities centered on beauty.

Breaking established concepts to be loved more as long-established salon.

This store has also handled hair-making and dressing such as coming-of-age ceremony for a long time. The store manager Takuya MATSUMOTO took over this store which was a parent’s store five years ago and then opened a photo studio affiliated with a professional photographer in the store as a new challenge. Photographer Kosuke TAHARA who is active widely is in charge of photography. He emphasizes elegant hair makeup and beautiful dressing of “Hair booth Kameyama”. “On the way home from the hair salon is the moment where customers are most shining. I wanted to be a shop where customer could memorize that moment in a photograph with professional work rather than producing just dress.” said MATSUMOTO-san. With his ability to continue breaking through the established concept of hair salon, this long-established hair salon can be loved more in town.

Opening Hours: 9: 00-19: 00

※ Friday until 21:00 Closed : Monday, 1st and 3rd Sunday

TEL: 0847-41-5077

864-4 Fuchu-cho Fuchu-shi Hiroshima Pref
