標高480mの高地に建つ『羽高 湖畔の家』。簡易宿泊施設であり、障害者福祉の関連施設でもあるこちらでは、地域で暮らす障害者の生活・就労支援を行っている。かつての支援活動は農作業など体を動かすことが主だったが、施設利用者の高齢化に伴い、現在は「年齢に関係なく、また体の負担も少なく取り組めるものを」とアートの創作活動にシフトチェンジ。
This is the lodging facility and the facility of welfare for people with disabilities, located in Moroke-cho, Fuchu-shi which is rich in nature. Here, people with disabilities are creating artworks. In order to increase the connection between facility users and society through art, they support daily creative activities and also hold exhibitions etc.
“Hadaka kohan no ie”. This is the facilities standing at 480m above sea level. As lodging facility and the facility of welfare for people with disabilities, they provide living and employment support for people with disabilities living in the area. The former support activities were mainly to move the body such as agricultural work, but with the aging of the facilities users, now it has changed to art creation activities regardless of age and less burdens on the body. Seiji UTSUMI, support staff member said that he would like to increase the connection with society by having a lot of people to see the work produced by the users. They not only display the works of users in the facility, but they also expand the connection through art, such as holding exhibitions both inside and outside Fuchu City.
“What I am paying attention is to let them do it till it is convinced, and not to help more than necessary” UTSUMI-san said. Although I was supporting firmly at first, since I began to let the user voluntarily, the number of unique expressions has increased much more than before. For example, A series of the original character named “Neko no mi-chan” with beautiful color, Art work with presence that superimposed pasted a large number of small corrugated cardboard pieces with bond, Picture painted in ink over and over on a torn canvas, etc. Works full of power and creativity are born one after another. The artists are always gathering in the atelier to concentrate to creat own art works at own pace.
Opening hours: 11: 00 to 14: 00
Closed: Monday · Tuesday
TEL: 0847-49-0085
12944-1 Moroke-cho Fuchu-shi Hiroshima Pref
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